Tai Chi workshop
The Tai Chi workshop will be on Saturday 20th May, 11-5pm. The content will include the Yang Short Form, Master Huang’s amazing Loosening Exercises and Push Hands. There will be handouts available on the day. Glenn has more than 30 years of experience in the internal martial arts and is being very generous on this occasion considering he is coming all the way from Australia.
Southern Mantis; Form, Applications & Internals
On Sunday 21st May, 12-3pm there will be another session. The content of the workshop will include the Southern Mantis, Sarm Bo Gin form and Mantis applications with examples of how the internal training can be used to improve your martial art
Tai Chi workshop only – £80*
Southern Mantis workshop only – £20
Both workshops – £95*
* Please note that it will be required to pay a £40 non-refundable deposit to secure a spot at the Tai Chi workshop.